Visit Chitika eMiniMalls

What's Chitika working on?

Coming improvements

- Quicker stats
- More detailed stats
- Daily audits
- UK local listings
- France local listings
- Ads for RSS
- & for books/travel
- UK merchants
- Pounds & Euro prices
- More ad formats
- Ad preview tool


Recent developments

CHANNELS! (Nov 7th)

The code page now automates the addition of keywords to your ad code. Log into your account to see it

- Banner ads for referral program

- Totals in stats


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Known issues that Chitika is working on/has fixed

For a program that's in beta Chitika eMiniMalls is pretty stable. This page covers the known problems/bugs. Please notify us at info ==at== of any others

Showing up as adware

Not specifically a Chitika bug but a couple of Adware/Spyware programs were flagging Chitika eMiniMalls on a page as adware. This has now been fixed and there are no known spyware or adware software programs that have an issue with Chitika.

Sticky mods

If you modify the colour or font of the first Chitika ad on a page that colour/font continues for subsequent ads even if you don't want it to. This is a known bug and Chitika are working on fixing it. For the moment a work-around is to go back to the default colour or font by setting it to null. Example: ch_color_title = null;

I have checked with Chitika and that is an acceptable modification to make to the code.


Affiliate commissions slightly out

There was a bug in the calculation of the commission earned from referrals - but it has now been fixed. It was out only by a few cents and, I suspect, only for those affiliate who had a certain threshold of impressions. Chitika have confirmed to me that this bug has been squashed (Oct 27th).


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