Visit Chitika eMiniMalls

What's Chitika working on?

Coming improvements

- Quicker stats
- More detailed stats
- Daily audits
- UK local listings
- France local listings
- Ads for RSS
- & for books/travel
- UK merchants
- Pounds & Euro prices
- More ad formats
- Ad preview tool


Recent developments

CHANNELS! (Nov 7th)

The code page now automates the addition of keywords to your ad code. Log into your account to see it

- Banner ads for referral program

- Totals in stats


Signed up for Chitika and not profitable?
We can help.


Signing up and implementing Chitika eMiniMalls


Has the buzz got to you?

To get started all you need to do is go to the Chitika eMiniMalls signup page and provide some basic details. But, you're here because you want to find out more about this amazing new program, learn how best to implement it, get a valuable tip or two and, of course, make more money than you currently are! That's what we're here for. Your success is our success - we get a percentage of what you earn. But, more about that later.

A 'blended' laptop ad

When you sign up, within about 1-24 hours you'll get an email from Chitika saying, hopefully, that you've been accepted to the program. There are no minimum requirements specified and most sites get accepted.

But before you start implementing that code we recommend you spare a few minutes and read the few pages here. We've got some of the tips and ideas produced elsewhere and lots that are unique to this site (and they'll do doubt get copied in due course - as things do on the web). Yes, tips that you just currently WON'T find anywhere else. One tip unique to this site is guaranteed to boost your earnings by nearly 10% for doing almost nothing! And there are others that could be worth thousands of dollars more.

What type of sites work best with Chitika?

Product sites and blogs seem to be earning the highest EPCs. Targeted ads (where you control the keywords - see how) seem to earn more than contextual ads based on content of the page. So, if your site sells products - or discusses them - you may be very, very surprised at what Chitika pays. But, what if your site isn't product related? Again, you may be surprised. Suck it and see, choose a page and test run it for a few days on a limited number of pages. And, you can run it together with Adsense and YPN! (See how) But do it after you've read the few pages here.

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