Super Affiliate’s Guide to PPC Marketing


Top PPC Tips


Pay Per Click Advertising How Tos


Pay Per Click Marketing & Management

(By a guest writer)

<< First page: Getting Started With PPC

Coming Up With A Marketing Strategy

At this point you should have picked out a few offers that catch your eye, and done a little bit of research into the competition and demand. It's time to think about how to market your site.

I'll use insurance as an example. If you bid on “free insurance quotes”, you're probably not going to make any money, the competition is simply too fierce. So you need to think outside of the box.

What kinds of searches do people perform besides “free insurance quotes” that may have less competition?

What about “cheapest insurance for people with DUI's?” These types of searches are known as “long tail keywords”, but if you think of enough of them the traffic adds up. Not to mention bidding on long tail terms is cheaper and highly targeted.

I'm not going to give you a list of keywords, but think “niches”. Young drivers, old drivers, female drivers, whatever.

Come up with a list of around 20 of these niches, and we'll move on to the next step.

Building Keyword Lists

There are plenty of great tools out there to build large keyword lists with. The best tool is your head. The Adwords keyword tool is great, and so are the free tools at Seobook.com. The Yahoo keyword suggestion tool is useful as well.

Spy on your competitorsThere are some great paid tools out there as well. For example, Spyfu.com is a web based keyword scraper. You can actually find your competitors ads and "steal" their keyword lists.

What you want to do is take each niche that you came up with, and build up keyword lists around those niches. Keep them grouped by niche, it's important, we'll talk about why a little bit later.

So, use all of the tools above, think of common misspellings, use your head. Once you've come up with a reasonable amount of keywords for each of the niches you listed above, 15-50 keywords per niche is is a good start, you can move on to the next step.

Building/Optimizing Your Landing Pages

There was a time when you could slap up a one page website with an affiliate link and call it good. I like to call that time “the good old days”, because landing pages today have to be complete websites, and complete websites require elbow grease.

Here's the way it works: I'm going to go into Google's quality score system, because if you optimize a website for Google, then it should be fine for the other search engines as well.

Google bases their quality score on the relevancy and the quality of your website. If you throw up a page that looks like it was put together in five minutes using Frontpage, you're going to get slapped with $5-$10 minimum bids.

So, to start, you need to build a site that looks like an actual website to Google. This means a solid navigation structure, important pages such as contact, privacy and terms, as well as with a decent amount of useful content. It should also be optimized just like you would for the search engines: using titles, meta tags, description etc.

So, build a “shell” website around the main niche that you're targeting. Using my insurance example, I'd buy an insurance related domain. I recommend a .com domain to gain trust from visitors, it doesn't affect quality score in my experience.

PPC Quality ScoreSet up a home page, and put up a nice article relating to insurance, 500+ words preferably. This page isn't necessarily designed to sell, most of your visitors won't even see it, but talk about the website overall. For example:

Welcome to myaffiliatesite.com! We specialize in finding the cheapest auto insurance for every unique situation etc.

Be sure to link to all of the important pages I talked about earlier. Also, you're going to have a page relevant to every sub-niche we came up with - female drivers, young drivers, etc. Link to these pages from the main index page. These are going to be your landing pages.

Each of your landing pages needs to be highly relevant to the sub niche. On your “female drivers” page you want the title, headers and the content to be relevant to “female driving insurance”.

As far as the layout of the site goes, I prefer a quick sales pitch, explain the benefits, and give them several opportunities early on to click through your affiliate links. There is no magic formula, however, and building a Google friendly landing page that turns visitors into conversions is an art form that is going to require some testing and experimenting. Next >>

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